Increased protein processing gene signature in HDACi-resistant cells predicts response to proteasome inhibitors.

TitleIncreased protein processing gene signature in HDACi-resistant cells predicts response to proteasome inhibitors.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsDupéré-Richer D, Kinal M, Pettersson F, Emond A, M Calvo-Vidal N, Nichol JN, Guilbert C, Plourde D, Oros KKlein, Nielsen TH, Ezponda T, Licht JD, Johnson NA, Assouline S, Cerchietti L, Miller WH, Mann KK
JournalLeuk Lymphoma
Date Published2016 May 17
Alternate JournalLeuk. Lymphoma
PubMed ID27185211