BCL6 is critical for the development of a diverse primary B cell repertoire.

TitleBCL6 is critical for the development of a diverse primary B cell repertoire.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsDuy C, J Yu J, Nahar R, Swaminathan S, Kweon S-mi, Polo JM, Valls E, Klemm L, Shojaee S, Cerchietti L, Schuh W, Jäck H-M, Hurtz C, Ramezani-Rad P, Herzog S, Jumaa H, H Koeffler P, de Alborán IMoreno, Melnick AM, B Ye H, Müschen M
JournalJ Exp Med
Date Published2010 Jun 7
KeywordsADP-Ribosylation Factors, Animals, Apoptosis, B-Lymphocytes, Base Sequence, Cell Proliferation, Cell Survival, Cells, Cultured, Cytoprotection, DNA Damage, DNA-Binding Proteins, Down-Regulation, Gene Rearrangement, B-Lymphocyte, Light Chain, Humans, Interleukin-7, Lymphopoiesis, Mice, Molecular Sequence Data, Pre-B Cell Receptors, Precursor Cells, B-Lymphoid, Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-myc, Recombination, Genetic, Signal Transduction, Transcription, Genetic, Up-Regulation

BCL6 protects germinal center (GC) B cells against DNA damage-induced apoptosis during somatic hypermutation and class-switch recombination. Although expression of BCL6 was not found in early IL-7-dependent B cell precursors, we report that IL-7Ralpha-Stat5 signaling negatively regulates BCL6. Upon productive VH-DJH gene rearrangement and expression of a mu heavy chain, however, activation of pre-B cell receptor signaling strongly induces BCL6 expression, whereas IL-7Ralpha-Stat5 signaling is attenuated. At the transition from IL-7-dependent to -independent stages of B cell development, BCL6 is activated, reaches expression levels resembling those in GC B cells, and protects pre-B cells from DNA damage-induced apoptosis during immunoglobulin (Ig) light chain gene recombination. In the absence of BCL6, DNA breaks during Ig light chain gene rearrangement lead to excessive up-regulation of Arf and p53. As a consequence, the pool of new bone marrow immature B cells is markedly reduced in size and clonal diversity. We conclude that negative regulation of Arf by BCL6 is required for pre-B cell self-renewal and the formation of a diverse polyclonal B cell repertoire.

Alternate JournalJ. Exp. Med.
PubMed ID20498019
PubMed Central IDPMC2882829
Grant List5R01CA085573 / CA / NCI NIH HHS / United States
R01 CA026038 / CA / NCI NIH HHS / United States
R01 CA026038-30A2 / CA / NCI NIH HHS / United States
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