Vicky Revuelta, Ph.D.

Instructor in Cancer Bioinformatics in Medicine

M. Victoria Revuelta (Vicky) is a computational biologist dedicated to study evolutionary aspects of protein biology. In March 2016, as a CONICET Fellow, she earned her PhD degree with the qualification of 10 (summa cum laude) in the Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata (Argentina) under the mentoship of Drs. ten Have and Brun. Her thesis was dedicated to both the application and development of bioinformatics tools to study eukaryotic aspartic proteinases.  In April 2016, she obtained a CONICET Postdoctoral Fellowship and joined Dr. Touz's Lab at INIMEC-CONICET Institute at the Universidad Nacional de Cordoba (Argentina), to pursue research dedicated to characterize LRP receptors in human pathogen Giardia lamblia.

Weill Cornell Medicine Cerchietti Research Lab 1300 York Ave., Meyer Reserach Building C-640 New York, NY 10065 Phone: (212) 746-3930